- Instant Calibration Check
- Recalibration of Hastings Gauges
- Adjusts Gauge for Any Length Cable
- Stable, Accurate, Rugged, and Reliable
The Teledyne Hastings Instruments (THI) Reference Tube is an evacuated, sealed vacuum gauge tube accurately calibrated to precisely simulate a gauge tube at a given operating pressure. It is electrically equivalent to the metal and glass gauge tubes used with THI instruments. It permits quick and easy recalibration of THI Vacuum Gauge Indicators by merely plugging the instrument into the reference and adjusting the calibration “current set” potentiometer
until the instrument reads the exact pressure noted on the reference. THI Reference Tubes are available equivalent to most THI Gauge Tubes.
The HVG-2020B wide range, dual-sensor vacuum gauge takes measurement to the next level. With a Piezo based sensor and a thermal-based Pirani sensor accurately and confidently measure pressures across seven decades. The Piezo sensor is media isolated, gas composition independent, and periodically zeroed by the Pirani sensor. An ambient thermal sensor enables the instrument to adjust for temperature and therefore better accuracy.
The Digital 300 Series of thermal mass flow meters and controllers from Teledyne are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or compensations for gas pressure and temperature. They are accurate to better than ± (0.5% of reading + 0.2% of full scale) for full scale flow rates from 0-5 sccm to 0-10,000 slm.
The HFM-200/HFC-202 is Teledyne Hastings’ flexible, general-purpose series of mass flow meters and controllers. Featuring reliability and stability, the 200 Series is chosen by OEM’s for its very stable performance with varying ambient conditions. A wide choice of elastomer seals makes this flow controller compatible with most gases.
The HFM-200 / HFC-202 meters and controllers have flow ranges from 0-10 sccm to flows of 0-25 slm; provide analog outputs, are constructed of stainless steel and have normally closed valves. The full-scale range is specified by the end-user. A NIST traceable calibration certificate is standard. Many corrosive gases and pressures up to 1000 PSIG are easily measured. Cleaning for oxygen service is available.
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